Bus Ride to San Fernando

My total journey went like this. Maxi from Cunupia to Curepe, maxi to POS, bus to Sando, bus to San Juan, maxi to Curepe, maxi to Cunupia. San Fernando is often abbreviated as Sando. It was named by Governor Chacon after the infant son of Spanish King Carlos III, Prince Fernando. San Fernando has a good amount of curving and steep streets. In my mind southern living is more laid back, compared to the hustle and bustle of north Trinidad. I love bus rides to and from San Fernando. I feel like part of me is attached to the feeling of when I was small and lived in south, away from home, and took the bus back north during holiday periods. Some insight. I took more than 1000 photos on my mobile that I had to flip through and filter and then edit. I have to take multiple photos of each scene to make sure I get it right enough. Some scenes never make it to the story.

Nice weather leaving Caroni

Comfortable and AC coach bus

View from flyover entering San Fernando

Happy Corner bar.

San Fernando teaching hospital

Vendors on High Street

Steep back road

Kings Wharf

Me on High Street


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